I Am A Perfectly Imperfect Woman, A Poem
A time of reflection, exploring and redefining the idea of perfection.
Celebrating Winter Solstice and Wishing You Tidings of Peace & Joy. In this time of release and reflection, I am redefining what perfection means to me. Poetry and Art is one way I relate to the universe and explore/make sense of it all. Perhaps you can relate. That is my hope. May All Beings Be Peaceful and Free. Through our expression we our cocreating a new collective language and an evolving community from earth to cosmos.
I am a perfectly imperfect woman. An old soul in a middle aged body With a young beginner’s mind A naive heart A Crone before her time. Young at root A defiant and joyous spirit Both Wildly inappropriate And Awkwardly reserved And Somewhere roaming Between. An extra-vert that is Incontrovertibly inward. Down in the details While dancing skyward. I speak to softly I laugh too loudly I snore and drool I embrace the fool. I live as a Queen among Queens A dreamer of dreams Both naughty and nice There's always a thrice. A lover of life Living life to celebrate Our perspective Is our gate. I see too much I say too little This is my voice Exploring this riddle. I shuffle my emotions Sorting truths with devotion Thoughts in motion Feeling peace and commotion. I avoid my own truth One day And post directions to my heart On others. A heart that bleeds On my sleeve And heaves At the seams Sliding behind What’s perceived Creating what I choose to see. A Heart that hides in disguise A heart that soars and flies. Over Peaks From valleys deep My life is my art A celebration, a feat. I am both ignorant and wise Sometimes Skipping a salad for the fries Who's counting, def not me Except the days when I do What can I say I am quite unruly, too. The way unfolding As steps make their mark The light returns now to This dance with the dark. Choices challenge, gently I tend Learning to be my own best friend.
~Nichola Napora, The Embodied Explorer
All writing, art & photography copywritten by Nichola Napora @ Mystic Peaks Studio Contact for use, I’m pretty generous :)
Hi Nichola, I love your poem. Its words resonate loudly for me, also approaching my crone phase, in fact probably already in it. Finding my way through this life I've been blessed with and trying to navigate the ups and downs, the ebbs and flows. Merry meet my sister and thank you for sharing your wonderful words with us 😊💜
Hi Nichola, I love your poem. Its words resonate loudly for me, also approaching my crone phase, in fact probably already in it. Finding my way through this life I've been blessed with and trying to navigate the ups and downs, the ebbs and flows. Merry meet my sister and thank you for sharing your wonderful words with us 😊💜